8.自吹自擂。 8.Boastfulness3.用强烈欲望作为达成目标的后盾,使欲望变得狂热,让它成为你脑子中最重要的一件事。 Back your purpose with a burning desire.Fan that desire;coax it;let it become the dominating thought in your mind.13.要了解你个性中的二元性,你具备“充分确信”的积极面,同时具备“完全不相信”的消极面,务必实践第一种个 性,而第二种个性将会自动消减。 Be aware of the dual nature of your personality.You have a side with a great capacity for belief and a negative side with an equal capacity for disbelief.Exercise the first,and the second will wither away.随时随地都应表现出真实的自己,没有人会相信骗子的。 Be yourself at all times.Neitherh yo nor anyone else trusts a phony.变成不可少的人物 Becoming Indispensable清楚地了解智囊团的目标,有助于判断团员是否具备以和谐态度完成工作的能力。 Being clear about you alliance's purpose will give you a basis for judging someone's ability to work in harmony with it.相信无穷智慧的存在,它会使你产生为掌握思想和导引思想而奋斗所需要的所有力量。 Believe in existence of Infinite Intelligence,which makes it possible for you to draw on all the power you need to take possession of your own mind and direct it toward whatever you choose.信任和你共事的人,并承认如果和你共事的人不值得你 信任时,就表示你选错人了。 Believe in the people you are associated with,and recognize that if they are not worthy of your belief,you have the wrong associates.相信你所拥有的解放自己并使自己具备自决意识的能力,并借着这种信心作为行事基础将它应用到工作上,现在就 开始做! Believe in you ability to become free and self-determining,and put that belief to work by acting upon it.Do it now!处在亲戚们的嘲笑和辛苦工作之间,有时真的很难保持 积极心态和不屈不挠的精神。有时当个人待在无聊的旅馆房 间里时,甚至会觉得我家人的想法才是正确的。支持我向前 迈进的力量,使我确信,我不但能完成这本著作,而且当我完 成它时会为自己的成功感到骄傲。 Believe me , there were times when, between the needling of my relatives and the hardships I endured, it was not easy of maintain a positive mental attitude and persevere. Sometimes, in barren hotel rooms, I almost believed my family was right. The thing that kept me going was my conviction that one day I would not only successfully complete my work but also be proud of myself when it was finished.相信美国式的政府,可保证你为了追求明确目标所需要的自由和权利,必要时你应采取行动保护你的自由。 Believe that the American form of government guarantees you the freedom and privileges necessary to pursue your definite major purpose.Work to defend those freedoms as needed.比尔·盖茨创设了供应世界70%电脑操作系统软体的微软公司。在他35岁之后,他的公司就已发展成比麦当劳、迪 斯尼和CBS还要大的企业。但他从此就停止进步了吗? Bill Gates founded Microsoft,the software company that supplies the operating systems for more than 70 percent of the computer in the world. By the time he was thirty-five,his company was bigger than McDonald's, Disney,and CBS.Did he stop there?你的感情和理智都需要一位主宰,而在你的自尊心里就 可发现这个主宰,然而只有你在发挥你的自律精神时,自尊心 才会扮演好这个角色,如果没有了自律,你的理智和感情便会 随心所欲地进行战争,战争结果当然是你会受到严重的伤害。 Both your heart and your mind need a master, and they can find the master in your ego. However, your ego will fill thei role only if you use self-discipline. In the absence of self-dicipline, your mind and heart will fight their battles as they please. In this situation the person within whose mind the fight is carried out often gets badly hurt.改掉你的坏习惯,连续一个月每天禁绝一项恶习,并在一周结束时反省一下成果。如果你需要顾问或帮助时,切勿让你的自尊心使你怯步。 Break bad habits.Abstain form your vices one at a time for a month until you show yourself who is boss.If you need help from a counselor or a support group,get it.Don't let your pride master you.培养积极心态 Build a Positive Mental Attitude积极心态也是其他各种个性的构成要素,了解和应用其 他个性。将会强化你的积极心态。 Building a positive mental attitude is part of the other aspects of an attractive personality.As you read on,you'll see how understanding and applying each of these points reinforce your PMA.将你追求成功的欲望,转变成一股强烈的执着意念,并 且照手实现你的明确目标,这是使你学得情绪控制能力的两 个基本要件,这两个基本要件之间,具有相辅相成的关系, 而其中一个要件获得进展时,另一要件也会有所进展。 Building you desire for success into a burning obsession and embarking on your definite major purpose are the cornerstones of your efforts to gain emotional control.Each strengthens the other,and progress with one will mean progress everywhere.假设你已经设定了明确目标,接下来你可能会问:“在哪里可以得到执行计划所需要的资源?” But let's assume you have developed the necessary definitions of purpose.You are now likely to ask an obvious questuion:Where do I get resources to implement my plan?" 在你的日常生活中,恐怕找不到这么具有戏剧性的例子, 但最具体的范例,就是你的薪水袋。如果你不满意你目前薪水,请记住:在你的付出超过所得之前,你没有权利要求更多 的薪水。Tour day-to-day life may not offer such dramatic examples but the most concrete one is your pasychaeck.If you are dissatisfied with its size当这位年轻人打包准备去苏格兰时,他已升格为这家百 货公司的合伙人了。这个例子是报酬增加律的最佳写照,而报酬增加原因,就在于他比别人付出更多的关心和礼貌。 By the time the young clerk had his bags packed for Scotland,he was a prater in that department store.This was the result of the Law of Increasing Returns, all because he had shown a little concern and courtesy when no one else would.