

1.不注意自己说话的语气,经常以不悦而且对立的语气说话。    1.Carelessness in their tone of voice,often speaking in gruff,antagonistic tones.
18.评论别人的无能力。    18.Commenting on people's disabilities.
19.当着他人的面,指正部后和同事的错误。    19.Correcting subordinates and colleagues in the presence of others.
20.请求别人帮忙被拒绝后心生抱怨。    20.Complaining when requests for favors are refused.
25.对政治或宗教发出抱怨。    25.Complaining about politics or religion
选择一位富裕、自力更生和成功的人作为“楷模”,并时时 想到你不但要迎头赶上,而且还要超越他。别告诉别人你所 选择的楷模,因为选择楷模的目的不在于进行公开的竞争,而 在于借着比自己强的人,来确立你要走的方向。    Choose a ""pacesetter."" Pick someone prosperous,self-reliant, and successful ,and make up your mind not only to catch up with that person but to pass him or her by.Dont's tell anyone this I your gol.The point is not to win a public contest but to get where you want to go.
挑选能帮助你达到目标的人,是件必须小心谨慎的事,你可能最后会发现,你原先挑选的人并不合适。你也可能在 一段时间之后发现,有些意料之外的事情必须找人来做。在 这过程中,尝试和错误是不可避免的,但是,如果你能时时 把握住以下两项特质,就能更快挑选到适任的人才。    Choosing the people who will help you attain your goal must be done carefull.You may initially select some people who you later decide are not appropriate,and you may discover that there are unanticipated needs for knowledge that must be filled.Trial and error will be part of the process,but there are two qualities to keep foremost in your mind that will help you avoid too many surprises.
确定团员的报酬,是维持和谐的一项重大因素。在一开始时,就应该确定团员可能得到多少的报酬,如此一来,必将大大地减少日后发生争执的可能性。    Clearly determined rewards for participation in your mastermind alliance are an important factor in its harmony.Determine at the outset what rewards you are offering in return for the work of others,and there will be little room for later recriminations.
关上通往恐惧的门之后,你会很快地看到通往信心的大 门,增加和运用信心是一段费时而且需要奉献的历程,你在这 方面的努力是无止尽的,因为你所能运用的力量是无限的,因 努力而获得的回报也是无尽的。    Close the door of fear behind you, and you will quickly see the door of faith open before you. Increasing and applying your faith are a process that takes time and dedication.You will never be finished with this task because the power you have at your disposal is infinite. So are rewards.
和你曾经以不合理态度冒犯过的人联络,并向他致上最诚挚的歉意,这项任务愈困难,你就愈能在完成道歉时,摆脱调心的消极心态。    Communicate with anyone you know whom you have unjustly offended and offer sincere apologies.Ask for forgiveness.The more bitter this assignment is ,the more you will be free of negative mental influences when you have completed it.
7.把注意力放在“办得到”的层面上,除非你真的面临 “办不到”的事实,否则根本别去担心这个问题。“办得到”的 心态,在此之前就已经指引你迈向成功的途径。    Concentrate your mind on the can-do portion of the tasks you face.Don't worry about the cannot-do portion unless and until you meet it face-to-face.By that time the can-do portion will have shown you the way to success.
例如那些正在热恋中的人,他们都愿意为所爱的人做任 何事,此时他们很容易受到对方的摆布,热恋中的人很难成就 什么事情,因为他们根本没有为自己定下什么目标。    Consider, for example, those people who are so in love that they will do anything for their beloveds. Thery are putty in the hands of other. They rarely amount to anything because they have no purposes of their own in life.
控制你的情绪    Controlling Your Emotions
和其他献身于成功原则的人组成智囊团,讨论你们的进 程,并从更宽广的经验中获取好处,务必以积极面作为基础进 行讨论。    Create a mastermind alliance with others dedicated to the principles of success.Discuss your progress and insights and gain the benefit of a much wider range of experience.Always keep these meeting on a positive plane.
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