11.在电话中谈一些别人不想听的无聊话。 11.Holding people on the telephone with needless conversations.仇恨 Hate仇恨 Hatred以下将介绍一些培养热忱的方法: Her are steps to building your enthusiasm:想要加入百分之二俱乐部是必须具备一些条件的: Here are the requirements for membership in the 2 Percent Club.Only you will measure your success in meeting them.以下是缺乏机智时最常发生的情况: Here is a list of the most common ways people show their lack of tact:希望 Hope如何培养积极心态 How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude如何培养热枕 How to Develop Controlled Enthusiasm语际翻译 版权所有
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