

15.以傲慢的态度拒绝他人的要求。    15.Declining requests from others in an arrogant manner.
26.表现过亲密的行为。    26.Displaying general overfamiliarity
向每天的生活索取合理的回报,而不要光等着回报跑到你的手中,你会因为得到许多你所希望的东西而感到惊讶——虽然你可能一直都没有察觉到。    Demand a reasonable amount of dividends from life every day,instead of waiting to receive them.You will be surprised to learn how many of the desirable things in life are already your,even though you have not noticed them.
展现信心的力量    Demonstrating the Power of Your Faith
对死后生命的渴望    Desire for life after death
对认同和成就感的渴望    Desire for recognition and self-expression
确定你需要的资源之后,便订定得到这些资源的计划,然而所订的计划必须不要太过度,也不要太不足,别认为自己要求得太少,记住:贪婪是使野心家失败的最主要因素。    Determine what kind of resources you need,set up a plan for acquiring them based on the idea of not too much,not too littler.Don't think small,but remember,greed more than anything else has destroyed ambitious people.
5.以诚挚的笑声纤解愤怒的情绪。    Develop a hearty laugh as a means to release anger.
20年来不断地多付出,并且忍受工作的艰辛,这需要付出多大代价?答案当然是肯定的。    Did it pay to go the extra mile for twenty years and endure all those hardships?The answer it obvious.
务必了解人的力量并非全然来自物质而已。甘地领导他的人民争取自由所依靠的并非财富。    Discern that personal power does not come form the possession of material things alone.Mahatma Gandhi led his nation to freedom without a fortune.
锻炼你的思想,使它能够导引你的命运朝着你希望的方向发展,把握住“报酬”信封里的每一项利益,并将它们据 为已有。    Discipline your mind to shape your destiny toward whatever purpose in life you have chosen.Seize every one of the benefits in the reward envelope and make them yours.
放弃想要控制别人的念头,在这个念头摧毁你之前先摧毁它,把你的精力转而用来控制你自己。    Divert any urge for control over others,Squelch it before it destroys you.Channel that energy into better control over yourself.
切勿以定期会议取代成员之间的频繁接触,打电话、写 留言条或是在走道上的谈话,都可以使成员获得会议时所需 要的资讯,如此一来,便可在会议中迅速解决突发状况。    Do not let the regular meetings take the place of frequent contact between the members.Telephone calls,notes,and even conversations in a hallway will keep the alliance primed for action when it meets in full,so that sudden developments can be addressed quickly.
这个建议好像是不必要的吧!不,它是有必要的。如果你以热忱的态度参加会议,那就别再谈这项建议了,自信地和他人握手,以明确的言词回答问题,坚定地主张你的观念和建议所具有的价值。理想的情况是以自己的热忱,使这些行为都变成自动自发的反应,但如果你能有意识地执行这些行为的话,你将会看到积极结果,而这又会再燃烧热忱的火花。    Does this advice seem redundant? It isn't. If you enter a meeting with your enthusiasm low, ignore it. Shake hands confidently; reply definitively to questions; assert the value of your ideas and proposals. Ideally, enthusiasm makes these things automatic, but if you consciously perform the actions, you will begin to see their positive results. This stokes the fires of enthusiasm
以上这些培养热忱的方法,难道不是你已经在做的吗? 当然是的。热忱是你为成功所付出所有努力的自然结果。重要的是,你现在已了解你为达到目标所采取的每一步成功步骤,同时也在创造你的热忱,了解热忱给你带来帮助后,你将更有能力将热忱运用到其他你想运用的地方。    Does this list sound like things you are already doing? It should. Enthusiasm it the natural outgrowth of all your efforts toward success. What is important is that you now recognize that every appropriate move you make is building your enthusiasm as well. Understand how it has helped you, and you will be in a better position to apply this tool consciously when you need it.
别忘了你的情绪会给你带来推动力,而这股动力,就是使 你将决定转变成具体行动的力量。如果你毁掉了希望和信心,那还有什么值得爱的呢?如果你扼杀了热忱、执着和欲望而仅存在理性时,那理性还会带来什么好处呢?虽然仅存的理性还具备导引方向的功能,但是还有什么好让它导引的呢?    Don't forget, your emotions provide your driving power, the activating force which enables you to put your decisions into action. If you destroyed hope and faith, what would there be to live for? If you killed enthusiasm, loyalty, and desire but still retained reason, what good would reason be? It would still be there to provide direction, but what would it dirct?
别在过完一天之后,才发现当天的所作所为,对明确目标 没有一点明显的贡献。虽然房地产经纪人无法每天都卖出一 栋房子,但是他们每天都会带着客户去看房子,会谈论他 (它),回顾潜在客户名单,演练销售方法,想像他们将成为一 个家庭,介绍那么美丽的房子。虽然这些并非实际的销售行 为,但他们都是实际销售行为的一部分。    Don't let a day pass without making at least on definite move toward attaining your major purpose.Keep up day,but you can be sure that she's showing it,that she's talking it up,that she's showing it,that she's talking it up,that she's reviewing her list of clients,that she's walking through it by herself, imagining what a wonderful home it will make for family. Each of these steps may not be the actual sale,but they're as much as part of it as the actual closing.
24.老是想着不幸或痛苦的事情。    Dwelling on ills or misfortunes
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