- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 原住民身分法 Status Act for Indigenous Peoples
- 告诉期间 statute of limitation for bringing criminal complaint
- 法定预算 statutory budget
- 法律上义务 statutory duty
- 法定不变期间 statutory peremptory period
- 法定期间 statutory period
- 法定继承人 statutory successor
- 停止执行 stay
- 速记员 Stenographer
- 赃物 stolen or looted goods
- 物品库 Storage
- 储藏室 Storage Room
- 学生惩处 student discipline
- 犯罪主体 subject of offense
- 诉讼标的金额 Subject-Matter Amounts of Money
- 从刑 subordinate sentence
- 后婚姻 subsequent marriage
- 替代役 Substitute Service
- 代替利益 substitutional interest
- 代位物 substitutional object
- 应继分 successional portion in place
- 参政权 suffrage rights
- 简易庭纪录科 Summary Division Recording Section
- 传唤 summon
- 地上权 superficies