- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 高级管理师 Senior Systems Coordinator
- 年资 seniority
- 特有财产 separate property
- 离职人员 separating employee
- 权力分立 separation of powers
- 职系 Series
- 服务奖章 Service Medal
- 送达 Service of Process
- 和解 settlement
- 劳资争议处理法 Settlement of Labor–Management Disputes Act
- 资遣 Severance
- 重大变故 severe calamity
- 下水道法 Sewerage Act
- 性侵害犯罪防治法 Sexual Assault Prevention Act
- 性别歧视 sexual discrimination
- 涨价归公 sharing increments with the people in common
- 财政责任分配 sharing of financial responsibility
- 船舶登记法 Ship Registration Act
- 船舶法 Ships Act
- 船舶失事 shipwreck
- 假日生活辅导 short-term programme on holidays
- 病假 Sick Leave
- 简易诉讼程序事件 Simple Proceeding Cases
- 机关政风状况 Situations of Government Employee Ethics
- 第六科 Sixth Section