- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 违反就业服务法 Violation of the Employment Services Law
- 违反能源管理法 Violation of the Energy Management Law
- 违反公平交易法 Violation of the Fair Trade Act
- 违反渔业法 Violation of the Fishery Law
- 违反食品卫生管理法 Violation of the Food Sanitation Control Law
- 违反森林法 Violation of the Forestry Law
- 违反粮食管理法 Violation of the Grain Control Law
- 违反枪炮弹药刀械 Violation of the Guns, Explosives and Knives Control Act
- 违反水利法 Violation of the Irrigation Management Law
- 违反劳工安全卫生法 Violation of the Labor Safety and Health Law
- 违反劳动基准法 Violation of the Labor Standards Law
- 违反海商法 Violation of the Maritime Commercial Law
- 违反山坡地保育利用 Violation of the Mountain Slope Conservation and Utilization Law
- 违反毒品危害防制条例 Violation of the Narcotics Endangerment Prevention Act
- 违反国家总动员法 Violation of the National General Mobilization Law
- 违反专利法 Violation of the Patent Law
- 违反动产担保交易法 Violation of the Personal Property Secured Transactions Act
- 违反药事法 Violation of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act
- 违反医师法 Violation of the Physicians Law
- 违反电信法 Violation of the Telecommunications Act
- 违反烟酒管理法 Violation of the Tobacco and Alcohol Management Law
- 违反商标法 Violation of the Trademark Law
- 违反水污染防治法 Violation of the Water Pollution Control Law
- 违反野生动物保育法 Violation of the Wildlife Conservation Law
- 违反各种税法 Violation of Various Taxation Laws