- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 司机(驾驶)(公务车) Driver
- 驾驶(公务车) Driver
- 司机室 Drivers Lounge
- 司机室 Drivers Room
- 药物广告 drug commercial
- 毒品危害防制条例 Drug Control Act
- 戡乱时期肃清烟毒条例 Drug Control Act during the Period for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion
- 毒品 drug; narcotic
- 药物药商管理法 Drugs and Pharmacists Management Act
- 二元诉讼制度 dual system of litigation
- 正当程序 due process
- 正当法律程序 due process of law
- 免税出口区 duty free export processing zones
- 纳税义务 duty of tax payment
- 审判或追诉职务 duty of trial or prosecution
- 提出理由之义务 duty to give reasons
- 完税价格 duty-paying value
当前第6页 共6页