- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 关于油轮油污责任补充协定 contract regarding in interim supplement to tanker liability for oil pollution {= CRISTAL}
- 契约责任 contractual liability; liability in contract
- 分摊 contribution
- 共同海损分摊 contribution in general average; general average contribution {= g/a con.}
- 航海过失分摊 contributory negligent navigation
- 再保险分摊 contributory reinsurance
- 共同海损分摊价值 contributory value; contributory value of general average; general average contributory value
- 保险经纪人或代理人代为安排保险 control a line
- 国际公路货物运送公约 Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road {= CMR}
- 传统运送 conventional carriage
- 可兑换货币 convertible currency
- 船级证书复本 copy of class certificate
- 保险单 copy policy; insurance policy
- 复本封印 copy seal
- 谷物贸易条款 corn trade clauses
- 公司封印 corporate seal
- 保险经纪人公司 corporation of insurance brokers {= CIB}
- 包括保险费在内之货价 cost and insurance {= c & i}
- 移动费用 cost of removal
- 修理费用条款 cost of repairs clause
- 费用 costs
- 共同海损认可之费用 costs allowed in general average
- 相对保证 counter guarantee
- [货物]出口或原产地 country of origin
- 承保通知 cover note {= c/n}