- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 正常耗损及逐渐腐朽变质 "fair wear
- 火灾、闪电及爆炸 "fire
- 船籍、船东或管理 "flag
- 保险金额 face amount; sum assured; sum insured {= s.i.; s/i}
- 临时再保险 facultative reinsurance
- 临时的;任意的 facultative {= fac.}
- 临时或强制[再]保险 facultative/obligatory {= fac./oblig.}
- 要保后退保 failure of consideration
- 未能安排全部保险 failure to complete
- 没有据实告知 failure to disclose
- 航行过失 fault of navigation
- 设计有缺陷-造船危险 faulty design- builder's risk
- 包装瑕疵 faulty packing
- 恐惧危险事故 fear of a peril
- [美国]联邦港口工人等条款 Federal Longshoremen's etc. Clause
- 英国保险学会会员 Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute {= FCII}
- 英国船舶经纪人协会会员 Fellow or the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers {= FICS}
- 休戚与共 fellow the fortunes
- 比照首席保险人 fellow the lead
- 发酵;酦酵 fermentation {= ferm.}
- 财务保证 financial guarantee
- 艺术品保险 fine arts isnruance
- 火灾及附加险 fire and allied perils {= f. & a.p.}
- 仅限于火灾危险 fire risk only {= f.r.o.}
- 优先再保险 first interest reinsurance
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