- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 美国1972年港口及水路安全法 "Ports and Waterways Safety Act
- 太平洋海岸港口 Pacific coast ports {= Pac.}
- 太平洋标准时间 Pacific Standard Time {= PST}
- 太平洋保证特款 Pacific warranty
- 综合保险 package insurance
- 综合保险单 package policy
- 油漆船底 painting the bottom
- 配对条款 pair and set clause
- 邮包 parcel post {= p.p.}
- 包裹 parcel {= pcl.}
- 同等费率条款 parity clause
- 部分利益 partial interest
- 部分运费损失 partial loss of freight
- 部分货物损失 partial loss of goods
- 部分船舶损失 partial loss of ship
- 部分损失 partial loss {= p/l}
- 船舶部分条理及未修理毁损 partial reparis to shipand unreparied damage
- 单独海损及/或共同海损 particular average and/or general average loss {= PA and/or GAL}
- 单独海损保证 particular average warranty
- 单独海损 particular average {= PA}
- 单独费用 particular charge {= p/c}
- 旅客行李 passager's luggage
- 预付保费{荷兰语} pauschal prime
- 依约照付 pay as may be paid
- 国外理赔代理人付款 payable abroad agents
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