偷窃及未能送达 "theft窃盗及货物未送达及短少 "theft有毒性、爆炸性或危险性货物 "toxic运输、工资、维护及救助 "transportT计划{劳伊兹作业程序之一} T schedule限额表 table of limits附表 tabulations自动续保条款 Tacit Renewal Clause登记入帐 take down现状条件 tale quale {= t.q.}巨大危险 target risk保费税条款 tax clause已付保费税条款 tax paid clause袋子撕裂 tear of bags技术及条款委员会 technical and clause committee {= T & CC}业务准备金 technical reserve技术服务组 technical services group招标条款 tender clause招标 tenders航程终止;保险责任终止 termination of adventure航程终止条款 termination of adventure clause保险[危险]之开始 terminus a que保险[危险]之终止 terminus ad quem保险条件 terms信用期间 terms of credit 语际翻译 版权所有
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