一篮子货币 A Basket of Currencies丝极电池组 a battery一艘载重26 000吨 A bulk carrier of 26000 dwts capacity with seven holds and of
single deck construction ideal for world wide tramp operation especially bulk grain
shipments with a speed of 15 knots一艘载重30 000吨 A bulk carrier of 30000 dwts capacity with five holds and of
single deck construction ideal for world wide tramp cargo operation with a speed of 15
knots甲级 A classA级分隔 A class division甲类船 A class ship灯丝电源整流器 A eliminator零点几 a fraction of千兆赫的无线电频率 A frequency of 1 000 000 000 or 1 ×109 cycles each second标准设计的18 000载重吨 A general purpose cargo tramp vessel of 18 000 dwt's with
four holds with each with tween deck and speed of 15 knots suitable both for bulk dry or
liner cargo shipments of 426 TEU container units一挂 a hoist拖带留置权 A Lien on the Object Towed劳氏气垫船运输保险单 A Lloyd's policy form of insurance on an air cushion vessel
hovercraftA型首柱 A type stem日本航运交易所航次租船表 A Voyage Charter Party Form of the Documentary Committee of
the Japan Shipping Exchange INC.吊锚 a'cockbill帆船卷帆漂航 a'hull键控等幅波 A-1A-1海区(GMDSS用语 A-1 navigation area极量第二改正量 a-1)A-1海区(GMDSS用语 A-1?键控等幅波 A-1AA-2海区(GMDSS用语 A-2 navigation areaA-2海区(GMDSS用语 A-2? 语际翻译 版权所有
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