- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 已满期保险费收入 earned premium income {= e.p.i.}
- 美国东海岸标准时间 eastern standard time {= e.s.t.}
- 相同类 ejusdem generis
- 剔除时间 elimination period
- 契约保险单 embodied in the policy
- 雇主责任 employer's liability {= e.l.}
- 背书;批单 endorsement
- 背书提单 endorsement of bill
- 保险费退还之履行 enforcement of return
- 船舶租用或使用约定 engagement of the vessel
- 英国法律与实务 English Law and Practice
- 因货损增加之普通费用 enhanced ordinary charges
- 船东责任互保协会入会船舶 entered ship
- 船东责任互保协会入会船舶吨位 entered tonnage
- 进入避难港 entering p.o.r. {port of refuge}
- 错误陈报 erroneous declaration
- 错误及遗漏除外 error and omission excepted {= e. & o.e.}
- 善意的过失 error by good faith
- 自动条款 escalation clause
- 共同海损之要件 essentials of general average
- 估计修理费用 estimated cost of reparirs
- 预期保险费收入 estimated premium income {= e.p.i.}
- 优惠待遇 ex gratia
- 优惠赔付 ex gratia payment
- 除外期间 excepted period; excluded period
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