- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 标签条款 label clause {= L/C}
- 劳工费 labour costs
- 停航退费 laid up return; lay up return; lying up return
- 美国五大湖及运河船舶保险时间 Lake Time Clauses (Hull) {= Lake Cls.}
- 陆上危险 land risk
- 卸载重量;到岸重量 landed weight
- 卸货及交货 landing and delivery {= ldg. and dely.}
- 货物到岸证明书 landing book
- 卸货证书 landing certificate
- 卸货费用;起费用 landing charges
- 卸货单 landing order
- 潜在瑕疵条款 latent defect clause
- 潜在瑕疪;潜在缺陷 latent defect {= l/def.}
- 大数法则 law of large number
- 合法的航程 lawful adventure
- 停航退费{美国用语} lay up refund
- 停航保证 lay up warranty
- 煤炭由坑口运至装运港间的运费 leadage
- 首席承保人协议 leading underwriter agreement {= l/u Agreement}
- 首席承保人 leading underwriter {= lead.; l/u}; proposed lead
- 渗漏及破损 leakage and breakage {= lkge. & bkge.}
- 待拖救 leave to tow
- 诉讼费用 legal charges; legal costs; legal expenses
- 法律责任 legal liability
- 法定责任限制 legal limitation of liability
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