- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 劳依兹共同市场事务处 lloyd's common market secretariat
- 劳依兹国外立法部 lloyd's foreign legislation department
- 劳依兹标准格式-共同海损保证金收据 lloyd's form-general average deposit receipt
- 1940-1945年劳依兹战时建造船舶索引 lloyd's index of war built vessels 1940-1945
- 劳依兹信息部门 lloyd's information department
- 劳依兹保险经纪人协会 Lloyd's Insurance Brokers' Association
- 劳依兹情报部门 lloyd's intelligence department
- 劳依兹法律公报 lloyd's law reports
- 劳依兹日报 lloyd's list
- 劳依兹日报法律报导 lloyd's list law reports {= ll. l. rep.}
- 劳依兹装载报告 lloyd's loading list
- 劳依兹航行日志 lloyd's log
- 劳依兹船舶机器证书 lloyd's machinery certificate {= l.m.c.}
- 劳依兹海图 lloyd's maritime atlas
- 劳依兹会员部门 lloyd's membership department
- 劳依兹保险单资料处 lloyd's policy office {= l.p.o.}
- 劳依兹保险单签发处 Lloyd's Policy Signing Office {= LPSO}
- 劳依兹出版物 lloyd's publications
- 劳依兹追偿部门 lloyd's recoveries department
- 劳依兹冷冻机器证书 lloyd's refrigerating machinery certificate {= l.r.m.c.}
- 劳依兹验船协会-统计 Lloyd's Register of Shipping-Statistics
- 劳依兹验船协会-检验师 Lloyd's Register of Shipping-Surveyors
- 劳依兹验船协会-检验 Lloyd's Register of Shipping-Surveys
- 劳依兹验船协会-游艇 Lloyd's Register of Shipping-Yachts
- 劳依兹船名录 lloyd's register {= l.r.}