劳依兹船舶、货物保险单 lloyd's s. g. form劳依兹救助协议 lloyd's salvage agreement劳依兹船舶索引 lloyd's shipping index; blue list劳依兹检验手册 lloyd's survey handbook劳依兹保险人 lloyd's underwriter劳依兹保险人协会 Lloyd's Underwriter Association {= LUA}劳依兹保险人理赔处 lloyd's underwriters' claims office {= l.u.c.o.}劳依兹海事事件周报 lloyd's weekly casualty reports劳依兹 Lloyd's {= Llds.}劳依兹每年加入之人员 lloyd's-annual subscribers劳依兹授权代理人 lloyd's-substitutes货物装卸危险 loading and unloading risk附加保险率 loading of rate装货;加载;加感 loading {= ldg.}地点或处所条款 location clause航海日志抄本 log extract伦敦谷类贸易协会 London Corn Trade Association {= LCTA}伦敦市场{指劳依兹及伦敦保险公司} London Market长期{保险期间超过十二个月} long term码头及港口工人责任 longshoremen's and harbour worker's liability {= l.s.h.w. liab.}
出险通知 loss advice损失分摊 loss apportionment卸货损失 loss during discharge {= l.d.d.}装货损失 loss during loading {= l.d.l.}转运损失 loss during transhipment {= l.d.t.} 语际翻译 版权所有
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