- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 担保书;换取清洁提单之赔偿责任保证书 back letter
- 细菌及沙门氏菌属感染条款 bacterial and salmonella contamination clause
- 受托人条款 bailee clause
- 差额结算 balance settlement
- 差额结算办法;差额结算法;余额结算法 balance settlement scheme {= B scheme}
- 差额税金保险 balanching charges
- 空载航程 ballast passage
- 波罗的海冰险条款 Baltic ice clause
- 波罗的海冰险保证条款 Baltic ice warranty
- 银行汇票 bank draft {= b/d}
- 紧急签发保险单以因应银行押汇 bank urgent
- 驳船保险保留保险费 barge retention
- 船长之诡诈行为;船长及船员恶意行为 barratry
- 船长不法行为 barratry of the master
- 基本保险费 basic premium
- 基本保险费率 basic rate
- 保险价值计算基础 basis of valuation
- 蒲福氏风级 Beaufort scale
- 已全部实际承保业务 being full signed line {= b.f.s.l.}
- 已全部约定承保业务 being full written line {= b.f.w.l.}
- 保险权益 benefit of insurance
- 施救权益 benefit of salvage
- 百慕达级 Bermudan {= Berm.; BM; BMU}
- 非被保险人所能控制 beyond control of the assured
- 污水损害 bilge water damage
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