- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 起迄日期包括在内 both days inclusive {= b.d.i.}
- 双方过失碰撞条款 both to blame collision clause {= BB Clause}
- 双方过失碰撞责任 both to blame liability {= b to blame}
- 船底油漆 bottom painting
- [船]底 bottom {= btm.}
- 船货押贷 bottomry; respondentia
- 整体业务再保合约 bouquet of treaties
- 保险类别 branch of insurance
- 商标条款 brand clause
- 违反明示保证 breach of an express guarantee
- 违反[保险]条件 breach of condition
- 违反[保险]契约 breach of contract
- 违反诚信原则 breach of good faith
- 违反航行限制保证 breach of trading warranty
- 违反保证;违反特约 breach of warranty
- 违反保证条款 breach of warranty clause
- 违反 breach; violation
- 解体航程 break up voyage
- 船轴断裂 breakage of shafts
- 破损 breakage {= brkge.}
- [机器]故障条款 breakdown clause
- 机器故障 breakdown of machinery; machinery breakdown {= m.b.d.}
- 核子装备故障 breakdown of nuclear installation
- 故障;停止 breakdown {= b'down}
- 启出 breaking out