- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第一损失再保险 first loss reinsurance
- 第一溢额再保险 first surplus reinsurance
- 固定及浮动物体 fixed and floating objects {= f.f.o.}
- 固定物体 fixed objects
- 权宜船籍 flag of convenience {= f.o.c.}; flag of escape
- 自始全部注销 flat cancellation
- 优先偿付原保险的再保险 flat line reinsurance
- [船东责任互保协会]船队入会 fleet entry
- 船队保险单 fleet policy
- 流动保险单 floating policy {= f.p.}; translocation policy
- [海上]漂流物;海难船漂浮物 flotsam
- 面粉全险条款 flour all risks clauses
- 只限于陈报用 for declaration purpose only {= f.d.o.}
- 例如;同类 for example of a like kind {= e.g.}
- 不可抗力条款 force majeure clause
- 不可抗力免责 force majeure exception
- 外国共同海损 foreign general average {= f.g.a.}
- 外国裁判权 foreign jurisdiction
- 代位求偿授权书 form of subrogation; letter of subrogation; subrogation form
- 转运费用 forwarding charges {= f. chgs.}
- 免责条款 franchise clause
- 免责额;起赔限额;免除赋税负担之特权 franchise {= fch.}
- 诈欺 fraud
- 保险人不负赔偿责任 free of
- 全部分损不赔偿 free of all average {= f.a.a.}