- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 保险对价 consideration
- 寄销品 consigned goods
- 托运单据;发货通知 consignment note
- 混装货物 consolidated cargo
- 保险单之解释 construction of policy
- 船舶建造保险单 Construction policy
- 推定全损条款 constructive total loss clause
- 推定全损 constructive total loss {= c.t.l.}
- 班轮接触条款 contact clause-liners
- 接触损害 contact damage {= contact dge.}
- 船舶与飞行器接触险 contact with aircraft
- 货柜船泊位 container berth
- 法国波尔多至德国汉堡间之大陆 Continent between Bordeaux and Hamburg {= CB & H}
- 法国波尔多至德国汉堡间 Continent of Europe between Bordeaux and Hamburg {= Cont. B/H}
- 法国哈佛尔至德国汉堡间 Continent of Europe between Havre and Hamburg {= Cont. H/H}
- 欧洲大陆 Continent of Europe {= Cont. of Europe}
- 美洲大陆航行地区限制 Continental United States Limits
- 偶发事故 contingency
- 偶发事故之危险 contingency risk
- 可能费用;或有费用 contingent expenses
- 可能利益;或有利益 contingent interest
- 可能利润;或有利润 contingent profits
- 意外准备金 contingent reserve
- 延续条款;展限条款 continuation clause
- 契约疑义优惠对方原则 contra preferentum