- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 直接有效原因{拉丁} causa causans
- 主力近因{拉丁} cause proxima
- 分保人 cedant
- 分保 cede
- 分保公司证明书 ceding company certficate {= ceding company cert.}
- 中央标准时间 Central Standard Time {= CST}
- 损害证明书 certificate of damage
- 船东责任互保协会入会证书 certificate of entry
- 检验证书 certificate of inspection; certificate of survey
- 保险凭证 certificate of insurance
- 原产地证明书 certificate of origin
- 货物品质证明书 certificate of quality
- 货物数量证明书 certificate of quantity
- 船舶登记证书 certificate of registry; ship's register
- 船舶适航证书 certificate of seaworthiness
- 免除责任条款 cesser clause
- 分保业务 cession
- 磨损 chafage {= chaf.}; chafing
- 船舶变更管理 change of management
- 船舶变更所有权 change of ownership
- 船舶变更注册 change of registration
- 变更航程 change of voyage
- 变更航程条款 change of voyage clause
- 预付费用 charges prepaid {= ch. ppd.}
- 佣船运费 charter freight; chartered freight