对于行政学研究的历史以及特殊困难的条件就谈论这么多。当我们已经进入这一领域时,我们必须在这样的困难条件下展开研究工作。现在的问题是,这种研究的题材是什么,以及这一研究所特有的目的又是什么呢? So much, then, for the history of the study of administration, and the peculiarly difficult conditions under which, entering upon it when we do, we must undertake it. What, now, is the subject-matter of this study, and what are its characteristic objects?举例来说,普鲁士就属于这种情况。在那里,行政管理已得到最深入的研究,并且几乎达到了最完善的程度。斐特烈大帝的统治虽然是严厉而武断的,但他仍然真诚地宣称仅仅把自己看成是国家的主要仆人,把他的巨大机构看成是一个公共信托机关。正是他本人,在他父亲所奠定的基础之上,开始建立普鲁士的公共办事机构,并且使之成为极其认真为公众服务的机构。他那同样专断的继承人——威廉?斐特烈三世,在斯坦因的鼓励下,设计了许多内容更广泛的组织特征,把这一工作更往前推进了一步,奠定了今天普鲁士行政管理工作的坚实基础和具体形式。几乎所有令人赞叹的管理体制都是在国王的首创之下发展起来的。 Such was the case in Prussia, for instance, where administration has been most studied and most nearly perfected. Frederic the Great, stern and masterful as was his rule, still sincerely professed to regard himself as only the chief servant of the state, to consider his great office a public trust; and it was he who, building upon the foundations laid by his father, began to organize the public service of Prussia as in very earnest a service of the public. His no less absolute successor, Frederic William III, under the inspiration of Stein, again, in his turn, advanced the work still further, planning many of the broader structural features which give firmness and form to Prussian administration to-day. Almost the whole of the admirable system has been developed by kingly initiative.