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威尔逊行政学之研究中英对照版    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


政府与我们是如此接近,是我们每天都习惯于与之打交道的这样一个庞然大物,因此我们就难以看出有对它进行任何哲学上研究的必要。或者如果展开了这种研究的话,也难以看出这种研究的准确目的。我们用脚走路的时间已经过于长久,现在再研究走路的技巧是为时已晚。我们是一个讲求实际的民族,生来就是如此灵巧,经过若干世纪的实验性的训练,我们是如此擅长于自我管理,以致我们几乎不再有能力去发现我们可能正在采用的某一特定制度的缺陷。其原因正是因为我们太容易学会使用任何一种制度了。我们并不研究治国的艺术,我们却治理着国家。但是仅仅依靠没有经过训练的办事天才,是不能把我们从行政管理方面可悲的严重失误中拯救出来的。虽然我们是有着悠久传统和经过了反复选择的民主主义者,我们却依然是相当不成熟的民主主义者。民主虽然有着古老的历史,但是要把它在现代观念和条件之上组建起来,还依然是一件未竟事业。民主国家要准备肩负起行政管理方面的无数重担,这是工业和贸易时代的需要,正在非常迅速地积累起来。如果不对政府进行比较研究,我们就不能使自己从下面这种误解中解放出来,即认为在民主国家其行政管理跟非民主的国家相比较,是建立在一个根本不同的基础之上的。    Government is so near us, so much a thing of our daily familiar handling, that we can with difficulty see the need of any philosophical study of it, or the exact points of such study, should be undertaken. We have been on our feet too long to study now the art of walking. We are a practical people, made so apt, so adept in self-government by centuries of experimental drill that we are scarcely any longer capable of perceiving the awkwardness of the particular system we may be using, just because it is so easy for us to use any system. We do not study the art of governing: we govern. But mere unschooled genius for affairs will not save us from sad blunders in administration. Though democrats by long inheritance and repeated choice, we are still rather crude democrats. Old as democracy is, its organization on a basis of modern ideas and conditions is still an unaccomplished work. The democratic state has yet to be equipped for carrying those enormous burdens of administration which the needs of this industrial and trading age are so fast accumulating. Without comparative studies in government we cannot rid ourselves of the misconception that administration stands upon an essentially different basis in a democratic state from that on which it stands in a non-democratic state.
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