

通过对当代世界上一些主要国家的制度史的分析判断,可以说在现存最充分发展的政治体制中,政府经历过三个发展时期,其它所有政治体制也是如此。这三个时期中的第一个是绝对统治者时期,是行政系统与绝对统治相适应的时期;第二个时期是制定宪法废除绝对统治者并用人民的控制取而代之的时期。在这一时期中,由于对这些高级目标的关切,因而对行政管理有所忽视;第三个时期是拥有最高权力的人民在使他们掌握权力的新宪法的保障下,着手发展行政管理工作的时期。    Judging by the constitutional histories of the chief nations of the modern world, there may be said to be three periods of growth through which government has passed in all the most highly developed of existing systems, and through which it promises to pass in all the rest. The first of these periods is that of absolute rulers, and of an administrative system adapted to absolute rule; the second is that in which constitutions are framed to do away with absolute rulers and substitute popular control, and in which administration is neglected for these higher concerns; and the third is that in which the sovereign people undertake to develop administration under this new constitution which has brought them into power.
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