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威尔逊行政学之研究中英对照版    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


即使我们对于全部政治历史有清楚的洞察力,并且能够从那些经过完善训练的人士头脑中产生出一些有关政府的稳定、无误、温和的明智准则;在这些准则当中一切合理的政治学说都将得到最后的解决,“国家是否将按照这些准则行事?”这就是问题之所在。人们的大多数是极端缺乏哲学头脑的。而今天,人们的大多数却拥有投票权。一个真理在被那些每天在一大清早就跑去上班的人们认识之前,必须首先表现得不只是清楚而且还要平易。并且在这同一批人下定决心照此行事之前,必须表明如果不照此行事就将产生重大而且有切肤之痛的不便之处。    Even if we had clear insight into all the political past, and could form out of perfectly instructed heads a few steady, infallible, placidly wise maxims of government into which all sound political doctrine would be ultimately resolvable, would the country act on them? That is the question. The bulk of mankind is rigidly unphilosophical, and nowadays the bulk of mankind votes. A truth must become not only plain but also commonplace before it will be seen by the people who go to their work very early in the morning; and not to act upon it must involve great and pinching inconveniences before these same people will make up their minds to act upon it.
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