应该指出的是,正是上述已划分清楚了的行政和政治的区别界限,使得在行政学领域中使用比较方法是可靠的。当我们研究法国和德国的行政制度时,由于我们明知自己并不是在探求“政治”准则,因而当法国或德国人向我们解释其行政实践时,我们不需要注意他们就宪法和政治原因方面所做的撒胡椒面式的解释。如果我看到一个杀气腾腾的人在敏捷地磨着一把刀子,我可以借用他磨刀的方法而用不着借用他可能用刀子犯谋杀罪的动机。同样,如果我见到一个彻底的君主主义者很好地管理着某一个公共机关,我可以学习他的办事方法,而无需改变我作为共和主义者的特点。他可以为他的国王效劳,而我却将继续为民众服务。但是我却希望能像他为其统治者服务那样为我的统治者服务。只要在思想上保持这种区别界限——也就是说,只要把研究行政学作为使我们的政治易于付诸实践的一种手段,作为使针对所有人的民主政治在行政管理方面实施到每一个人的一种手段——那么我们就会立足于完全安全的基础之上,并且我们就能够学习外国制度必然教给我们的东西而不犯错误。这样,我们便为比较研究方法设计出来了一个可进行调节的砝码。这样,我们便可以对外国政府进行解剖学的观察,而不用害怕会把它们的任何疾病传染到我们的血管中来,可以详细解剖外国制度而不用害怕血液中毒。 Let it be noted that it is the distinction, already drawn, between administration and politics which makes the comparative method so safe in the field of administration. When we study the administrative systems of France and Germany, knowing that we are not in search of political principles, we need not care a peppercorn for the constitutional or political reasons which Frenchmen or Germans give for their practices when explaining them to us. If I see a murderous fellow sharpening a knife cleverly, I can borrow his way of sharpening the knife without borrowing his probable intention to commit murder with it; and so, if I see a monarchist dyed in the wool managing a public bureau well, I can learn his business methods without changing one of my republican spots. He may serve his king; I will continue to serve the people; but I should like to serve my sovereign as well as he serves his. By keeping this distinction in view,-that is, by studying administration as a means of putting our own politics into convenient practice, as a means of making what is democratically politic towards all administratively possible towards each,-we are on perfectly safe ground, and can learn without error what foreign systems have to teach us. We thus devise an adjusting weight for our comparative method of study. We can thus scrutinize the anatomy of foreign governments without fear of getting any of their diseases into our veins; dissect alien systems without apprehension of blood-poisoning.请允许我对我已说过的行政管理的范围略加扩充。需要注意的最重要的一点是这样一条真理,它有幸已经被我们的文官制度改革家作了如此广泛的坚决宣传。这条真理是行政管理置身于“政治”所传有的范围之外。行政管理的问题并不是政治问题,虽然行政管理的任务是由政治加以确定的,但政治却无需自找麻烦地去操纵行政管理机构。 Let me expand a little what I have said of the province of administration. Most important to be observed is the truth already so much and so fortunately insisted upon by our civil-service reformers; namely, that administration lies outside the proper sphere of politics. Administrative questions are not political questions. Although politics sets the tasks for administration, it should not be suffered to manipulate its offices.语际翻译 版权所有
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