- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 修订选举广告声明书 Corrective Declaration of Election Advertisements
- 对等界别分组 corresponding subsector
- 舞弊行为 corrupt practice
- 贪污;舞弊 corruption
- 防止贪污处〔廉政公署〕 Corruption Prevention Department [ICAC]
- 临时立法会议程事项登记册 Council Agenda Item Book
- 临时立法会法律顾问 Counsel to the Provisional Legislative Council
- 点票 count
- 存根〔选票〕 counterfoil [ballot paper]
- 撤销选举 countermanding of an election
- 监察点票代理人 counting agent
- 点票中心 counting centre
- 点票机 counting machine
- 点票;点算选票 counting of votes
- 点票助理员 Counting Officer
- 点票程序 counting procedure
- 点票站工作人员 counting staff
- 点票站 counting station
- 点票主任 Counting Supervisor
- 点票区 counting zone
- 高等法院上诉法庭 Court of Appeal of the High Court
- 高等法院原讼法庭 Court of First Instance of the High Court
- 公信力 credibility
- 跨境 cross border
- 跨界 cross boundary