《立法会(选举呈请)规例》〔 1997年第134号〕 Legislative Council (Election Petition) Rules
[134 of 1997]《立法会(选民登记)(上诉)规例》〔 1997年第134号〕 Legislative Council (Registration of
Electors) (Appeals) Regulation [134 of 1997]《立法会条例》〔 1997年第134号〕 Legislative Council Ordinance [134 of 1997]《立法会(提名所需的选举按金及签署人)规例》〔 1997年第134章〕 Legislative Council (Subscribers and
Election Deposit for Nomination) Regulation [134 of 1997]《立法会行政管理委员会条例》〔第 443章〕 Legislative Council Commission Ordinance [Cap. 443]
劳工界功能界别 labour functional constituency劳工界界别分组 labour subsector誓师大会〔政治团体〕 launching ceremony [political organizations]法律及法定释义 law and statutory interpretation法律草拟专员 Law Draftsman法律草拟人员 law draftsman《中华人民共和国国徽法》 Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Emblem
《中华人民共和国国旗法》 Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Flag
《中华人民共和国领海和毗连区法》 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial
Sea and the Contiguous Zone法律改革委员会 Law Reform Commission法律顾问 legal adviser法定年龄 legal age法律及司法制度 legal and judicial system法律依据 legal basis司法合作 legal co-operation法律基础 legal footing法律架构 legal framework法律界功能界别 legal functional constituency律政人员 legal officer法人 legal person 语际翻译 版权所有
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