- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 授权令 warrant
- 淡化 water down
- 白纸条例草案 white bill
- 白皮书 white paper
- 《香港地方行政白皮书》〔一九八一年〕 White Paper on District Administration in Hong Kong [1981]
- 《代议政制今后的发展白皮书》〔一九八八年〕 White Paper on The Development of Representative Government: The Way Forward [1988]
- 《代议政制白皮书-代议政制在香港的进一步发展》〔一九八四年〕 White Paper on The Further Development of Representative Government in Hong Kong [1984]
- 批发及零售界功能界别 wholesale and retail functional constituency
- 批发及零售界界别分组 wholesale and retail subsector
- 当选者 winning candidate
- 撤回提名 withdraw a nomination
- 撤回呈请书;撤回质询书 withdraw a petition
- 退出竞选通知书 Withdrawal of Candidature
- 行政事宜工作小组〔临时立法会〕 Working Group on Administrative Matters [Provisional Legislative Council]
- 人口分布工作小组〔规划署〕 Working Group on Population Distribution [Planning Department]
- 工作小组 working party
- 司法机构行政事务工作小组 Working Party on Judiciary Administration
- 工作人口 working people
- 工作人口 working population
- 工作程序;工作方法 working procedure
- 工作关系 working relationship
- 工作层面上的会议 working-level meeting
- 世界人权会议 World Conference on Human Rights
- 成文宪法 written constitution
- 书面申述 written representation
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