- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 《舞弊及非法行为条例》〔第 288章〕 Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinances [Cap. 288]
- 内阁 cabinet
- 竞选助理 campaign assistant
- 竞选开支 campaign expenditure
- 竞选经费 campaign funding
- 竞选刊物 campaign literature
- 宣传物品 campaign material
- 竞选文件 campaign paper
- 竞选伙伴 campaign partner
- 候选人身分;候选人资格 candidacy
- 候选人;竞选人;参选人 candidate
- 候选人提名同意书及声明书 Candidate's Consent to Nomination and Declarations
- 候选人身分;候选人资格 candidature
- 拉票人 canvasser
- 拉票活动 canvassing
- 拉票代理人 canvassing agent
- 设定上限 capping
- 决定票;主席决定性一票 casting vote
- 临时空缺 casual vacancy
- 决断票 categorical vote
- 上限 ceiling
- 谴责 censure
- 集中处理地址数据的系统 centralized address system
- 投寄选举函件证明书 certificate for posting of election communication
- 停任 cessation of office
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