- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 多议席单票制 ""multi-seat, single-vote"" system
- 《1997年选举开支最高限额(立法会)令》〔根据第 288章订立〕 Maximum Scale of Election Expenses (Legislative Council) Order 1997 [made under Cap. 288]
- 裁判法院 magistracy
- 多数票 majority of votes
- 大多数票制 majority system
- 行政失当 maladministration
- 强制选民登记 mandatory voter registration
- 宣言 manifesto
- 操纵选票 manipulation of votes
- 《义勇军进行曲》 March of the Volunteers
- 偏离人口配额的幅度;人口相差幅度 margin of population deviation
- 相差幅度规定 margin rule
- 可容许的人口相差幅度上限 maximum possible margin of population deviation
- 铜英勇勋章 Medal for Bravery (Bronze) [MBB]
- 金英勇勋章 Medal for Bravery (Gold) [MBG]
- 荣誉勋章 Medal of Honour [MH]
- 会见市民计划 Meet-the-Public Scheme
- 会议结束;休会 meeting adjourned
- 汇点〔一九九四年与香港民主同盟合并组成民主党〕 Meeting Point [merged with United Democrats of Hong Kong to form Democratic Party in 1994]
- 会议恢复进行 meeting resumed
- 成员〔选举管理委员会,行政会议〕;委员〔选举委员会〕;议员 member
- 成员资格 membership qualification
- 谅解备忘录 memorandum of understanding
- 《关于香港新机场建设及有关问题的谅解备忘录》 Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Construction of the New Airport in Hong Kong and Related Questions
- 《香港特别行政区行政长官的产生办法》〔《基本法》附件一〕 Method for Selection of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [Annex I of Basic Law]
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