- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 《香港特别行政区立法会的产生办法和表决程序》〔《基本法》附件二〕 Method for the Formation of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Its Voting Procedures [Annex II of Basic Law]
- 军用土地房产;军用房屋土地 military estates
- 提名人最低年龄规定 minimum age requirement for nomination
- 部长制 ministerial system
- 民政部〔中国〕 Ministry of Civil Affairs [China]
- 外交部〔中国〕 Ministry of Foreign Affairs [China]
- 未成年人 minor
- 失实陈述 misrepresentation
- 工作宣言 Mission Statement
- 滥用选举开支 misuse of election expenses
- 投票车 mobile poll
- 流动投票站 mobile polling station
- 模拟选举 mock election
- 形式;模式;方式 modality
- 合作模式;合作方式 modality for co-operation
- 选举方式 mode of election
- 协议范本 model agreement
- 《互委会规则模板》 Model Rules for Mutual Aid Committees
- 办事方式 modus operandi
- 民意汇集处监察委员 Monitor, Survey Office
- 监察委员会 monitoring committee
- 每月进度报告 monthly progress report
- 道义责任 moral obligation
- 动议;议案 motion
- 动议获通过 motion adopted