- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 悬空席位 vacancy
- 获有效提名的候选人 validly nominated candidate
- 会议过程的逐字记录 verbatim record of proceedings
- 既得利益 vested interests
- 否决 veto
- 审核工作 vetting exercise
- 村代表 village representative
- 口头表决 voice vote
- 选民自愿登记制度 voluntary voter registration system
- 表决;投票;选票 vote
- 买票 vote buying
- 投票表决;投票选举 vote by ballot
- 委派代表投票;委派他人代为投票 vote by proxy
- 点名表决 vote by roll call
- 举手表决 vote by show of hands
- 谴责票 vote of censure
- 信任票 vote of confidence
- 不信任票 vote of non-confidence
- 操纵选票 vote rigging
- 点票方法 vote-counting method
- 投票人〔界别分组〕;选民 voter
- 选民登记册 voter register
- 选民登记 voter registration
- 选民登记运动 voter registration campaign
- 选民登记运动 voter registration drive
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