- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法》 Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
- 换届选举 general election
- 选民总名册 General Electoral Roll
- 地方选区正式选民登记册 geographical constituencies final register
- 地方选区 geographical constituency
- 地方选区选票 geographical constituency ballot paper
- 地方选区分界 geographical constituency boundary
- 地方选区点票站 geographical constituency counting zone
- 地方选区选举 geographical constituency election
- 地方选区选民 geographical constituency elector
- 地方选区投票站 geographical constituency polling station
- 地方选区议席 geographical constituency seat
- 地区选举;分区选举 geographical election
- 地区代表制的成分 geographical representation element
- 地区选举产生的议席;地区议席 geographical seat
- 按地区划分的选举 geographically based election
- 金紫荆星章 Gold Bauhinia Star [GBS]
- 好票 good ballot paper
- 香港特别行政区政府宪报 Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette
- 香港特别行政区政府宪报号外 Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette Extraordinary
- 大紫荆勋章 Grand Bauhinia Medal [GBM]
- 大选举团 grand electoral college
- 基层代表 grass-roots representative
- 基层界 grass-roots sector
- 绿皮书 green paper
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