- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- “得票最多者当选”投票制 ""first post the post"" voting system
- “免费午餐”政策 ""free lunch"" policy
- 派别 faction
- 事实报告 factual report
- 公平及平等待遇 fair and equal treatment
- 清稿 fair copy
- 虚假声明 false declaration
- 虚假多数票 false majority
- 虚假登记 false registration
- 虚假赞助 false sponsorship
- 虚假声明;失实声明 false statement
- 退出竞选的虚假声明 false statement of withdrawal
- 联邦政府 federal government
- 联邦制 federal system
- 联邦;联盟 federation
- 稳定香港协会有限公司 Federation for the Stability of Hong Kong Limited
- 港九劳工社团联会〔劳联〕 Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions [FLU]
- 财务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Finance Committee [Provisional Legislative Council]
- 金融界功能界别 finance functional constituency
- 金融界界别分组 finance subsector
- 财政责任 financial accountability
- 财政自主权;财政自主;财政独立 financial autonomy
- 财政条文 financial provision
- 金融服务界功能界别 financial services functional constituency
- 金融服务界界别分组 financial services subsector
当前第1页 共3页