- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 公民教育委员会 Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education
- 会议文件 committee paper
- 委员会报告 committee report
- 委员会审议阶段修订建议 committee stage amendment
- 委员会审议阶段〔临时立法会〕 committee stage [Provisional Legislative Council]
- 普通法 common law
- 小区独特性 community identity
- 小区干事 community organizer
- 公民教育活动资助计划 Community Participation Scheme
- 人权教育活动资助计划 Community Participation Scheme on Human Rights Projects
- 小区关系处〔廉政公署〕 Community Relations Department [ICAC]
- 小区感 community sensitivity
- 团体投票人 company voter
- 分隔间 compartment
- 民意汇集文件 compendium
- 投诉处理会〔选举管理委员会〕 Complaints Committee [Electoral Affairs Commission]
- 全面咨询 comprehensive consultation
- 强制登记 compulsory registration
- 强制投票 compulsory voting
- 关注团体 concern group
- 机密外交往还 confidential diplomatic exchange
- 机密文件 confidential paper
- 机密会议 confidential session
- 利益冲突 conflict of interest
- 双重效忠 conflicting loyalties