选举管理委员会主席 Chairman, Electoral Affairs Commission乡议局主席 Chairman, Heung Yee Kuk临时立法会内务委员会主席 Chairman, House Committee of the Provisional Legislative
Council临时立法会主席 Chairman, Provisional Legislative Council临时区域市政局主席 Chairman, Provisional Regional Council临时市政局主席 Chairman, Provisional Urban Council全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长〔中国〕 Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People's
Congress [China]联合国宪章 Charter of the United Nations核对编号〔投票通知卡〕 check digit [poll card]行政长官会同行政会议 Chief Executive in Council香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region高等法院首席法官 Chief Judge of the High Court传阅文件 circulation paper公民 citizen民权党 Citizens Party [CP]公民意识 civic awareness公民意识 civic consciousness公民教育 civic education公民教育组织 civic education body公民教育资源中心 Civic Education Resource Centre公民权利及责任 civic rights and responsibilities公民力量 Civil Force行政会议秘书〔前称行政局秘书〕 Clerk to the Executive Council临时立法会秘书〔前称立法局秘书〕 Clerk to the Provisional Legislative Council小派别 clique