- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 建筑、测量及都市规划界功能界别 architectural, surveying and planning functional constituency
- 建造、测量及都市规划界界别分组 architectural, surveying and planning subsector
- 地区代号 area code
- 分区委员会 area committee
- 臂章 armband
- 确定选民资格 ascertainment of the qualifications of electors
- 民意审核专员办事处〔一九八四年〕 Assessment Office [1984]
- 获配席位数目 assigned number
- 建港协会 Association for a Better Hong Kong
- 民主公义协会 Association for Democracy and Justice
- 香港民主协会有限公司 Association for Democracy of Hong Kong Limited
- 香港公义促进会 Association for the Promotion of Public Justice (Hong Kong)
- 鉴定候选人资格 authentication of a candidate's qualifications
- 鉴定提名人 authentication of a nominator
- 获授权代表 authorized representative
- 上诉途径 avenue of appeal
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