- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 候选人的代理人 agent of a candidate
- 累积选票 aggregate preference votes
- 会议纪要 agreed minute
- 协议和谅解 agreement and understanding
- 《中英双方关于香港终审法院问题的协议》 Agreement between the British and Chinese sides on the Question of the Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong
- 外籍人士 alien
- 效忠 allegiance
- 修正案〔临时立法会〕;修订 amendment
- 修订令 amendment order
- 不记名捐款 anonymous donation
- 上诉委员会 Appeal Committee
- 上诉法院 appellate court
- 投票站及点票站工作人员职位申请书 Application for Polling and Counting Staff
- 功能组别登记册登记申请书 Application for Registration in a Functional Constituency
- 选民总名册登记申请书 Application for Registration in the General Electoral Roll
- 地方选区选民登记申请表 Application for Voter Registration (Geographical Constituencies)
- 委任议员 appointed member
- 委任议席 appointed seat
- 获委任的人 appointee
- 委任程序 appointment process
- 委任制度 appointment system
- 拨款法案 Appropriation Bill
- 拨用公帑 appropriation of public funds
- 认可程序〔点票〕 approved programme [vote counting]
- 四五行动 April 5th Action Group