- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 行政上诉委员会 Administrative Appeals Board
- 行政分界 administrative boundary
- 行政区 administrative district
- 行政区分界 administrative district boundary
- 行政指引 administrative guidelines
- 行政复议〔中国〕 administrative review [China]
- 行政制度 administrative system
- 律政司政务总监〔前称律政署政务总监〕 Administrator, Department of Justice [formerly known as Chambers Manager]
- 海事裁判权 admiralty jurisdiction
- 成人;成年人 adult
- 接受捐赠预先申报书 Advance Return of Donations
- 地方选区候选人名单接受捐赠预先申报书 Advance Return of Donations by a Geographical Constituency List of Candidates
- 提前投票 advancement of the poll
- 对立形式的政治制度;反对派系政治 adversarial politics
- 反对登记通知书 Advice of Notice of Objection
- 顾问身分 advisory capacity
- 确认 affirmation
- 年龄组别 age group
- 参选年龄 age of candidature
- 合资格参选年龄 age of eligibility for candidature
- 能完全自决的年龄 age of full capacity
- 成年岁数 age of majority
- 年龄规定 age qualification
- 机构选民 agency voter
- 代理人身分证明名牌 agent identity card