

3.或有负债预计产生的财务影响,以及获得补偿的可能性;无法预计的,应当说明原因。?    (c)An estimate of the expected financial effect of the contingent debts and the possibility of any expenditure. If it is unable to make an estimate, the reasons shall be explained.
3.与预计负债有关的预期补偿金额和本期已确认的预期补偿金额。?    (c)The amount of expected compensations pertinent to the estimated debts, and the amount of excepted compensation that has been recognized in the current period.
3.有义务将收取的现金流量及时支付给最终收款方。企业无权将该现金流量进行再投资,但按照合同约定在相邻两次支付间隔期内将所收到的现金流量进行现金或现金等价物投资的除外。?    (c)The enterprise is obliged to pay the cash flow it receives to the final recipient in a timely manner. The enterprise has no right to make a re-investment with the cash flow, but in accordance with the contractual stipulations, it may make investment with cash or cash equivalent by using the cash flow it receives during the interval of between 2 consecutive payments.
3.资产组的组成与前期相比发生变化的,应当披露变化的原因以及前期和当期资产组组成情况。?    (c)Where the formation of the asset group is deferent from those in the previous period, the enterprise shall disclose the reasons for the change, as well as the constitution of the asset group in the previous period and the current period.
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No. 3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No.3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No.3
财会[2006]第3号?    Cai Kuai [2006] No.3
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