

(一)款项和有价证券的收付;    (1) Receipts and payments of funds and/or securities;
(二)应收及预付款项;?    (2)receivable and advance payments;
(二)因合同变更、索赔、奖励等形成的收入。?    (2)Revenue incurred by alterations in contract, claims for compensation and incentive payments.
(三) 提供或接受劳务。?    (3) Rendering or receiving labor services;
(三) 提供或接受劳务。?    (3) Rendering or receiving labor services;
(五) 研究、拟订企业国有资本收益分配和国有资本经营预算的制度。?    (5) researching and drafting the systems on the distribution of state-owned capital gains and the operation budget of state-owned capital;
应收及预付款项应当按实际发生额记帐。    Receivables and prepayments shall be accounted for according to actual amount.
索赔款同时满足下列条件的,才能构成合同收入:?    Revenue incurred by claims should be recognized when both of the conditions as follows are met simultaneously:
长期工程(包括劳务)合同,一般应当根据完成进度法或者完成合同法合理确认营业收入。    Revenue of long-term project contract (including labour service) shall be reasonably recognized, in general, according to the completed progress method or the completed contract method.
合同变更款同时满足下列条件的,才能构成合同收入:?    Revenues incurred by alterations in the contract shall be recognized when both of the conditions as follows are met simultaneously:
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