(十) 该企业主要投资者个人、关键管理人员或与其关系密切的家庭成员控制、共同控制或施加重大影响的其他企业。? (10) Other enterprises the main individual investors, key managerial personnel, or close family members of such individuals control, jointly control or have significant influence over .(十) 该企业主要投资者个人、关键管理人员或与其关系密切的家庭成员控制、共同控制或施加重大影响的其他企业。? (10) Other enterprises the main individual investors, key managerial personnel, or close family members of such individuals control, jointly control or have significant influence over .(十)其他资产。? (10)Other assets.(十)其他应付款。? (10)Other payables.(十四)其他重大交易或者事项,包括重大的长期资产转让及其出售情况、重大的固定资产和无形资产取得情况、重大的研究和开发支出、重大的资产减值损失情况等。? (14)Other significant transactions or events such as transfer and sale of significant long-term assets, significant acquisitions of fixed assets and intangible assets, significant research and development disbursements, significant assets impairment losses, etc.(二) 组织实施企业筹资、投资、担保、捐赠、重组和利润分配等财务方案,诚信履行企业偿债义务。? (2) organizing the implementation of such financial schemes as fund-raising, investment, guarantee, donation, reorganization and profit distribution and so on, fulfilling the obligation of debt repayment of the enterprise faithfully;(二)其他金融负债。? (2)other financial liabilities.(三)债权债务的发生和结算; (3) Occurrence and settlement of a credit or debt;(三) 与该企业受同一母公司控制的其他企业。? (3) Other enterprises under the control of the same parent company thereof;(三) 与该企业受同一母公司控制的其他企业。? (3) Other enterprises under the control of the same parent company thereof;(三)其他以外币计价或者结算的交易。? (3)other transactions which are valuated or settled in foreign currency.(四) 组织财务预测和财务分析,实施财务控制。? (4) organizing financial forecasting and financial analysis, carrying out financial control;(四)法律、行政法规规定的其他审计业务。 (4) other audit services stipulated by relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations.(四)其他直接费用,指其他可以直接计入合同成本的费用。? (4)Other direct costs, referring to other expenses that may be directly included in the contract costs.(四)其他费用,按照实际发生的金额确定。? (4)Other expenses shall be determined in accordance with the actually incurred amount.(五) 收到其他与投资活动有关的现金;? (5) Other cash received relating to investing activities;(五)国务院财政部门规定的其他不予注册的情形的。 (5) other circumstances under which registration shall not be approved as stipulated by the financial department of the State Council.(五) 应由个人承担的其他支出。? (5) other expenses that shall be assumed by an individual.(五) 其他依法应当公开的信息。? (5) other information that shall be released under law.(五)其他应收款;? (5)Other accounts receivable;(五)风险准备金补亏等其他收入,按照实际发生的金额确定。? (5)Other incomes such as risk reserves shall be determined according to the amount actually incurred.(六)其他变动。? (6)Other alterations.(六)其他职工薪酬。? (6)Other employee compensations.(七) 根据企业财务管理的需要提供必要的帮助、服务。? (7) offering necessary assistance and services in accordance with the demands of enterprise financial management.(七)违反法律、行政法规的其他行为。 (7) other acts in violation of the laws or administrative rules and regulations.