- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 半官方机构 semi-official mission
- 半按比例投票制 semi-proportional voting system
- 首席代表〔中英联合联络小组〕 Senior Representative [Sino-British Joint Liaison Group]
- 归属感 sense of belonging
- 三权分立〔立法、行政、司法〕;分权而立;分权 separation of powers
- 公职选民 service voter
- 会议;会期 session
- 简称 short title
- 举手表决 show of hands
- 过半数;简单多数 simple majority
- 简单多数选举制 simple majority system of election
- 简单点票制 simple system of counting
- 同期进行登记 simultaneous registration
- 单人候选人名单 single candidate list
- 等额投票制 single candidate voting system
- 单一选区 single constituency
- 单人获提名人名单 single nominee list
- 不可转移单票制 single non-transferable vote system
- 可转移单票制 single transferable vote system
- 单票 single vote
- 单议席选区;单议席选举组别 single-member constituency
- 单议席功能界别 single-member functional constituency
- 单议席选区;单议席选举组别 single-seat constituency
- 单议席地方选区 single-seat geographical constituency
- 会议时数 sitting time