- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 废除 repeal
- 报告责任 reporting obligation
- 代表安排 representational arrangement
- 代表机构 representative body
- 代议民主 representative democracy
- 代议政制;代议制政府 representative government
- 《香港代议政制》〔白皮书;一九九四年〕 Representative Government in Hong Kong [white paper, 1994]
- 代议机制;代议政制机构 representative institution
- 代表议员〔出任临时市政局或临时区域市政局议员的临时区议会代表〕 representative member [representative of Provisional District Board serving on the Provisional Urban Council or Provisional Regional Council]
- 代表团体 representative organization
- 居住人口 residential population
- 居留规定;居留资格 residential qualification
- 候选人的居港年期规定 residential requirement for candidature
- 决议;决议案 resolution
- 《关于中华人民共和国国都、纪年、国歌、国旗的决议》 Resolution on the Capital, Calendar, National Anthem and National Flag of the People's Republic of China
- 《关于中华人民共和国国庆节的决议》 Resolution on the National Day of the People's Republic of China
- 决议程序 resolution procedure
- 呈请书的答辩人;质询书的答辩人 respondent to a petition
- 还原恶法 restoration of draconian laws
- 拉票管制区 restricted canvassing area
- 祇限有关人士阅览的文件;限阅文件;祇限内部传阅的文件 restricted paper
- 候选人资格的限制 restriction on candidacy
- 限制选举权 restriction on voting right
- 卸任主席 retiring chairman
- 地方选区选举候选人名单内的候选人已招致的选举开支和互相授权之申报书及声明书 Return and Declaration of Election Expenses Already Incurred and Cross-authorization of Candidates on a List of Candidates in a Geographical Constituency Election