- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 登记选民总数 registered electorate
- 登记住址 registered residential address
- 须予登记的个人利益〔临时立法会〕 registrable interests [Provisional Legislative Council]
- 高等法院司法常务官〔前称最高法院司法常务官〕 Registrar, High Court
- 选举事务处 Registration and Electoral Office [REO]
- 选民登记周期 registration cycle
- 选民登记运动;选民登记工作 registration exercise
- 选民登记表格 registration form
- 选民登记 registration of electors
- 个人利益登记〔临时立法会〕 registration of interests [Provisional Legislative Council]
- 登记主任 Registration Officer
- 选民登记期 registration period
- 登记程序 registration procedure
- 规管投票 regulation of ballot
- 《中华人民共和国领事特权与豁免条例》 Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities
- 《中华人民共和国外交特权与豁免条例》 Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities
- 监管当局 regulatory authority
- 规管架构 regulatory framework
- 发还选举开支 reimbursement of election expenses
- 不获接纳 rejected
- 不获接纳的选票 rejected ballot paper
- 反对此选票不获接纳;选票不获接纳遭反对 rejection objected to
- 相对多数 relative majority
- 相对多数点票制 relative majority system of counting
- 相对多数选举制〔亦称“得票最多者当选”投票制〕 relative majority system of voting [also known as ""first past the post"" voting system]