- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 脱水 dehydration; extracting with water
- 迟延;延滞 delay
- 延滞除外不保 delay exclusion
- 航程开始之延滞 delay in commencement of a voyage
- 故意损害条款 deliberate damage clause
- 凹陷[损害] denting
- 押金;保证金;预防 deposit
- 共同海损保证金收据 deposit receipt {= d/r}; general average deposit receipt
- 货名;货物品种规格说明 description of goods
- 保险标的之记载 designation of subject matter
- 扣留 detainment; detainments {= det.}
- 阻留 detention
- 偏航条款 deviation clause {= D/C}
- 不同条件 difference in conditions {= d.i.c.}
- 不同种类标的 different species
- 不同航程 different voyage
- 价值减低 diminution in value
- 直接索赔 direct action
- 直接保险 direct insurance
- 直接承保或直接或暂予承保 direct or direct or held covered
- 直接由…所导致 directly caused by
- 支付费用条款 disbursements clause
- 支付费用特款-可互换利益 disbursements warranty-interchangeable
- 支付费用 disbursements {= disbts.}
- 在避难港卸货 discharge of cargo at p.o.r. {port of refuge}