- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 保险费预知单{保险经纪人用语} debit not only {= d.n.o.}
- 甲板装载损失 deckloss {= dk. l.}
- 所有权申报 declaration of ownership
- 装船通知 declaration of shipment
- 陈报保险单 declaration policy
- 陈报;申报 declaration {= dec.; decl.}
- 海损自负额 deductible average {= d/a}
- 损失自负条款 deductible clause
- 起赔式损失自负额或海损自负额 deductible franchise or deductible average
- 自负额 deductible or ded.; underlying
- 折扣;扣除额 deductions
- 新换旧扣减额 deductions new for old
- 视同生效日 deemed attachment date
- 可取消利益 defeasible interest
- 抗辩及延滞费协会 Defence and Demurrage Association
- 辩护费 defence costs
- 递延付费 deferred account
- 递延保费 deferred premium
- 递延修理 deferred repairs
- 亏损条款 deficit clause
- 确定的通知 definite advice
- 确定的分保报表 definite bordereaux
- 确定的答单保除金额 definite closing
- 确定的要保通知 definite order
- 过失程度 degree of blame; degree of fault