- 香港选举相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 划定选区分界的准则 demarcation criteria
- 划界工作 demarcation exercise
- 划定分界 demarcation of boundaries
- 划分选区 demarcation of constituencies
- 划定选区分界;划分选区范围;划定选区分界 demarcation of constituency boundaries
- 民主 democracy
- 民主台 Democracy Forum
- 民主建港联盟〔民建联〕 Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong [DAB]
- 民主发展 democratic development
- 民主政府;民主政制 democratic government
- 民主参与 democratic participation
- 民主党 Democratic Party [DP]
- 民主监督 democratic supervision
- 民主发展;民主进程 democratization
- 人口分布发展趋向 demographic trend
- 偏离人口配额 departure from the population quota
- 按金;保证金 deposit
- 代表资格审查委员会〔全国人大常务委员会〕 Deputies Credentials Committee [Standing Committee of the National People's Congress]
- 副投票站主任 Deputy Presiding Officer
- 权力下放 devolution
- 外交接触 diplomatic contact
- 公开利益关系 disclose an interest
- 讨论文件 discussion paper
- 使失去投票权 disenfranchise
- 罢免;撤除 dismissal